NAR Self Styled False Apostles And Prophets

An article by Dr Roland Chia, Chew Hock Hin Professor of Christian Doctrine at Trinity Theological College and Theological and Research Advisor for the Ethos Institute for Public Christianity.

“The unprecedented emergence of religious fundamentalism and fervour across the globe in the final decades of the last century has led to the demise of the so-called secularisation theory proposed by philosophers and sociologists in the 1960s. Instead of being made obsolete by the seemingly unstoppable advance of secularism, the religions are experiencing something of a revival.

This phenomenal “re-sacralisation” has brought to the surface spiritual sensibilities or predilections that are best described as “neo-pagan”. In her insightful book, New Age and Neo-pagan Religions in America, Sarah Pike helpfully characterised neo-pagan beliefs and practices as eclectic and inclusive, “traditional” and inventive, embracing both old and new.

This new religiosity is nourished and energised in different ways by a confluence of diverse (and sometimes seemingly contradictory) cultural forces that are at work in our world: postmodernism, consumerism, individualism, relativism, anti-authoritarianism, secularism, panpsychism (all things have consciousness) and many others.

Unfortunately, this new syncretism has infiltrated the Christian church, resulting in the creation of “bastard faiths”, a term coined by the Mennonite theologian John Howard Yoder. The poisonous commingling of neo-pagan occultism, secularism and Christianity has given birth to such profound and serious distortions that the Gospel of Christ itself is undermined, resulting in what the Apostle Paul has called “a different gospel” (2 Corinthians 11:4)…

Another example of this deadly syncretism is found in the teachings and practices of the self-styled apostles and prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). The most prominent leaders of this movement include Bill Johnson, Bill Hamon, Rick Joyner, Mike Bickle, Lou Engle, Patricia King and Che Ahn.

Perhaps one of the most disturbing aspects of NAR is their acquiescence to and legitimisation of neo-pagan and shamanistic practices such as contact with angels (or spirit guides), angel orbs, portals of glory, teleportation and ‘grave-sucking’ (the belief that one can obtain the anointing of the deceased servants of God by visiting their graves).

While some of these preachers introduce these teachings and practices covertly to their unsuspecting followers, others promote them quite openly.”

-Dr Roland Chia


Testimony (13)

I believed God had delivered me yet again from danger in this particular incident.  I could not remember this incident readily because it was a sad time in which many died tragically.

Sometime in early 2003, I had bacterial infection of the respiratory system.  I had to take a long 10 day antibiotics course.   On the 9th day, I traveled to Hong Kong to establish a branch office of my company.  I checked into a hotel in Kowloon at about 5 to 6 pm.   Feeling hungry,  I went for my dinner in a local restaurant.  As I was walking to the restaurant,  I began to feel unwell.   I felt feverish and I started seeing rashes developing on my hands.  I had flu symptoms as well.  As I was taking the antibiotics course up to the 9th day, I reasoned it could not be allergy.  I went back quickly to the hotel after a quick dinner and called my wife.   I told my wife to try to contact the specialist doctor in Singapore General Hospital who treated me.  She called back to say that the hospital had strict instruction not to allow such calls.   I told her to explain to the hotline operator that I somehow felt I needed some urgent medical advice.   My wife managed to get the hand phone number of the doctor for me.  Getting hold of the doctor on the line, he advised me to go immediately to the nearest hospital after I described to him about my symptoms of fever and rashes.  The urgency in the doctor’s voice somehow justified my concern.

The day before, I already read in the news that one entire Chinese family succumbed to an atypical pneumonia illness living in a hotel very nearby mine and doctors were baffled.   That explained my anxiety to reach the doctor for advice.

I decided to leave the next morning for Singapore instead.   When SARS broke out in Singapore,  only then did I know that the main carrier and super spreader,  a 22 year old lady, came back to Singapore one or two hours in an earlier flight than mine.  I could not remember now whether I stayed in the same Metropole hotel as hers but should be very nearby at least to be alarmed.

I did not have coughing symptom.   Some weeks later,  Dr Alex Zhao,  the heroic doctor who oversaw the treatment of the SARS patients,  also succumbed to SARS having only the symptom of rashes and fever.

I believed all healing is divine healing as God is sovereign and I believed God had given me the 10 day long antibiotics course in time to prevent the serious infection of SARS and I recovered quickly.   I read in the news that the 2 girlfriends of the super spreader who traveled with her on holiday in Hong Kong were also infected but they recovered very quickly within 2 to 3 days.  So I could have recovered very quickly as not to infect my family by the grace of God.

For me to live is Christ, to die is gain.  I believe God has always delivered me for His purpose so far till the fullness of time.   I give thanks in all circumstances.   All thanks and glory to His Name !

Christ Paid It All (Acronym 3)

Isaiah 53:4-6
Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows;
yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was pierced for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His wounds we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.

“And so what do we do?

We trust Him. We look forward to that day when we will stand before His throne, repeating the wonder that He died to save our souls. Yes, we will trust Him today, and forsake the foolish pursuits that used to consume our lives. We will stop condemning ourselves for past sins. We will relinquish the shame we’ve harbored for so long and we will abandon our self-absorbed efforts to make ourselves worthy. We will turn from our sin, we will trust Him, and we will sing. We will sing and,

Praise the One who paid our debt,
And raised our lives up from the dead.

Yes, we will sing, both now and forever.”   –   John Piper

Social Service Ministry Conference

Organized a one-day conference in China on the request of Prison Fellowship International (PFI) to seek interested church partners to collaborate in the prison ministry in China. And also to encourage starting social service ministry in the churches.

Attended by some 30 pastors and ministry workers.

Main message shared was that evangelism and social service travel together as exemplified by our Lord as He shared the gospel and healed the afflicted and broken-hearted, setting free the captives and relieving the oppressed. Luke 4:18; Matt 9:35-37. Doing good works is also an acceptable sacrifice pleasing to God. A truly sanctified life will bear fruit of good works. Col 1:10; Heb 13-16.

One more step closer towards my desire to see homeless shelters in China, God willing.

Hallelujah ! Bless His Holy Name.