In late July 2018, I received news from my ministry partners in Olongapo, Philippines that their city was flooded without much warning and a state of calamity was declared for the whole week. I was preparing to fly there in 4 days’ time and the weather was forecasted to continue to have rain for the rest of the week. On the day I arrived, the waters had subsided and sunshine returned after weeks of absence. When I checked into the hotel, I was told by the security guard that the water level was about 3 feet flooding the ground floor of the hotel and he showed me the water mark on the wall. All thanks to our Lord for His journey mercy. The rain had stopped, and on the day I flew back after 4 to 5 days’ stay, the rain returned.
In August 2018, when I flew into Phnom Penh, the provinces surrounding Phnom Penh were terribly flooded as shown in the pictures that I took from the air. The rain had stopped when I arrived.
One day in October 2018 when I was supposed to fly back to Singapore in the late afternoon, I decided to visit an exhibition at the opening time of 10 am and then rushed back to check out the hotel by noon. I stayed in Kowloon and the exhibition was on Hong Kong Island. Never did I expect the highly efficient Hong Kong MTR train system to break down. I knew that I would not only be late to check out of hotel but also late to catch the airport bus to the airport. I did not buy travel insurance at all. I prayed and asked the Lord for help to allay my anxiety. Even on normal days, the human traffic during peak hours is terribly heavy and with the massive break-down, it was chaotic. Thanks be to our Lord when things seemed so impossible, it was possible with Him. I managed to get home eventually that day.
In April 2019, I sponsored several ministry partners to come for a conference held at Alfa Omega Ministries, Batam, to share of their experience in agricultural enterprise. And we also visited the farm managed by Alfa Omega Ministries in another island. It was pouring cats and dogs the day we took the ferry to this island. There was no shelter walkway from the ferry terminal to the ferry docked at the quay some 150 meters away. I had no change of new set of clothes so I was anxious not to get drenched. In my anxiety, I prayed for the rain to stop. But we were told to dash for the ferry as it was about to depart. I decided to run last with the faint hope that God would still answer my prayer. Strangely as I ran, the rain subsided very quickly. When I got into the ferry, my ministry partners were surprised that I was not drenched like them. Despite my lack of faith, God was faithful to answer my prayer. All thanks and glory to Him !

Flooding in Olongapo

Flooding in areas neighboring Phnom Penh

Flooding in areas neighboring Phnom Penh