Ministry in Bagan Batu, Riau, Sumatra

Praise the Lord for His divine guidance that I finally made the ministry trip to Bagan Batu, Riau. God’s timing is always right. Praise the Lord for allowing my faith to grow and have a deeper rest in Him.

Despite traveling to the main haze disaster area at this time, we witnessed the wonderful journey mercy of our Lord God and to trust Him wholeheartedly. We arrived on Saturday 26 Sept 2015 when the psi reading of the haze was way above 500.

We prayed for good weather on Sunday and our prayer was granted. The psi reading went down to 100 in the morning in time for the Sunday worship service. The bad haze condition returned in the afternoon and we prayed again. And the skies suddenly poured to clear the haze for the evening service. Hallelujah ! Praise the Lord !

On Monday, we traveled to another town to share in the revival meeting there and the psi reading remained at 100.

On Wednesday early morning when we returned home, the haze condition was so bad. The visibility on the road to the port Dumai was only 50 metres. (See the difference between the mask I used that day and a new one for comparison.)

In a town where there is only 3000 Christians among a population of 70,000 of predominantly Muslim, I have to commend Pastor Siregar and his wonderful wife, Mastiur Silitonga, before God and give Him all the glory and honor, for their tireless labor of love to evangelize this town.

They also set up a Christian mission school there since 8 years ago and the enrolment is now about 800. This is the most wonderful ministry of sharing the gospel in such a town when the young are educated in the knowledge of the truth of the living Son of God.  (The students only pay annual school fee of USD 5 while they support nearly 50 teachers !  What a ministry of faith and love !)

They also invested in a broadcasting radio station 89.1 FM to broadcast the word of God to several cities.

Praise the Lord for allowing me to be the vessel in partnering His wonderful faithful servants and leading me to share the Word of God there to encourage the churches to rise up to set the city on fire for Him. I believe the town will see spiritual awakening soon.

All glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ !



Christian Mission School

Christian Mission School

Teachers of Christian mission school

Teachers of Christian mission school

City Revival Meeting 29 Sept 2015

City Revival Meeting 29 Sept 2015


Revival meeting in another town 28 Sept 2015

Revival meeting in another town 28 Sept 2015

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