Supply Chain Crisis

The present global supply chain is complex in nature being built up over the years after the second world war.  It has been simultaneously strained at all nodes in the last 2 years due to global forcible lockdowns. Usually some nodes may be disrupted due to natural disasters such as earthquake hitting a major city or regional wars affecting energy and commodity supplies, but the supply chain can self regulate to compensate for this loss with supply from other nodes.  But this time, the whole world went into lockdown and disrupted all nodes.  The sudden lockdown, subsequent easing of restrictions and the return back to restrictions to contain different waves of the virus variants further compounded the crisis.

Covid 19 has disrupted the demand and supply at all nodes.  And also distorted demand and supply.  Distortion affects demand and supply of final products at the onset while disruption affects the demand and supply of the supply chain nodes that go into producing the final product.  People, who normally go to movies and eat out, will stay home instead and spend on goods instead of services as a result of the global lockdown.  This is an example of a forcible distortion. Manufacturing and logistical systems are designed to run at high utilization and they are now forcibly disrupted too. In this unprecedented pandemic control, all the three abovementioned factors come together to create this perfect storm of global supply chain crisis.

To compound the current problems are the looming sovereign debt crisis of emerging economies which represent more than half of the nations of the world, inflation caused by all kinds of monetary stimuli from quantitative easing, and the Russia-Ukraine war disrupting a great proportion of global gas and fertilizer supplies.  I foresee the supply chain problem to drag on for years and many nations will be unstable. It is the rate of inflation that is frightening for we do not know how quickly inflation will go up and further distort or disrupt the supply and demand.

Postscript : 29 Nov 2022

Glad to find a video of a famous economist, Jim Rickards, explaining so well about the current supply chain disruption.

Signs Preceding Our Lord’s Return

In Matt 24, our Lord gave 4 signs to His disciples when He was asked about His coming and end of age.

  1. Birth pains of calamitous events – wars and rumors of wars; famine; earthquakes.
  2. Adverse events in the church – persecution; reduction in numbers; gospel will be preached in the whole world.
  3. Great distress in Jerusalem with the coming of the Antichrist.
  4. Unnatural cosmic events.

We have been in the last days for the past 2000 years.  When we see wars, famines and earthquakes happening that are of biblical proportion and with exponential frequency unlike in the past centuries, it is very likely to be the first sign.  When the church starts to encounter persecution in all nations and many false prophets emerge to deceive the church to compromise, many will turn away from the faith. The faithful will be betrayed and will also leave the deceived church.  The faithful will then disperse and form the small and less conspicuous Philadelphia local churches in those days and will be used mightily to preach the gospel to all corners in the whole world, together with the suffering Smyrna local churches.  For those who are left in the other mainstream churches, especially the Ephesus churches, their love will grow cold and wickedness will increase. That will be the second sign.  When the third sign of the appearance of the abomination that causes desolation comes, the end will be very near at the door.  Immediately after this distress, the heavenly bodies will be shaken, the sun will be darkened and the stars will fall from the sky.  And our Lord will return. Hallelujah !

The current Russia-Ukraine war may cause a global catastrophic famine.  And it may fuel many smaller wars as the poorer nations grapple with the looming sovereign debt crisis.  Meanwhile we see the mainstream churches compromising with the state on vaccine mandate without even questioning if it is against God’s designed order.  The western capitalism states are likely to be coerced to accept all kinds of abomination in the coming years due to pressure from Babylon (America) since they all grow rich because of her. The churches will be persecuted then for her defiance. Many false prophets will come on stage to deceive many then to compromise.  I believe the Lord’s judgment stated in Rev 18:17-19 will happen before the third sign after which the Antichrist will appear on the world stage as “savior” of the world in resolving many of the problems plaguing the nations after the Lord’s destruction of all wealth. The current situation of high inflation, unprecedented supply chain disruption, sovereign debt crisis, and continual quantitative easing may set the initial stage for the eventual global economic collapse.

The Babylonian Alliance

In my book, The Coming Economic Flood, I stated that the Babylonian alliance of nations is unmistakably the western capitalism states who all grow rich because of Babylon (America represented by New York City).  In these two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, we can see clearly their concerted effort together to implement the mRNA vaccine mandate exclusively and the sanctions against Russia.  (Though other nations also implemented the vaccine mandate,  they allowed the use of all WHO approved vaccines including the killed virus vaccines, unlike these western capitalism states.)   We can easily identify these nations closely aligned with Babylon. 

Two small nations stand out in taking the vaccine mandate lead for they often claim that they punch above their weight.  Both tried to prove to their Babylonian leader that they could subdue their people easily to accept governmental control through digitization technologies for the greater good.  Never mind even if the vaccines are not meant for the better good and probably harmful for they only intend to test out if the official dissemination of information, through official propaganda and alternative media censorship,  is effective enough to garner popular support and acceptance.  The successful roll-out of the vaccine mandate proved beyond reasonable doubt that such control in future can be achieved easily for now.  One day, the mark of the beast will be implemented and such prior experiment is necessary now to test out the acceptance of the populace.  Another piece of evidence is the heavy investments in data centers and digitization technologies of the global companies of Babylon in these two small nations which is necessary to facilitate future implementation of behavioral control of the populace.

Another development in the looming “economic flood” is that this Babylonian alliance is finally caught between “the rock and the hard place”.  Since 2001, these western capitalism states have been relying on quantitative easing to tide over chronic budget deficits. Either they continue to print money and risk runaway inflation which is finally happening now, or raise interest rates on a quicker pace and join all nations in economic hardship.   The likely choice, in my opinion, is the former path but it will worsen the looming debt crisis faced by more than half of the nations in the world.  Sri Lanka and Pakistan in Asia have already defaulted on their debts joining Lebanon, Turkey, Africa and South America.  The supply chain disruption has already caused much shortage havoc.  Just read in the news that the US parents are desperate to find baby formula amid shortage. Either way, it is economic hardship all the same eventually.

I do not know what will be the trigger that will cause the economic flood or collapse prophesized in Rev 18:17 and James 5:1-5, but it will surely happen.  The command to come out of Babylon (the Babylonian alliance of nations and that includes the city states that make their living by the sea) may be literal after all. Rev 18:4,8,17-19.

Testimony (25)

Matt 6:26

Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not of more value than they ?

My family and I witnessed the amazing birth of a siskin hatchling over the past few weeks in December 2021, and the above promise of our Father resonated in our minds and gave us joy at the most opportune time.  This whole incident came at the time in which my youngest son was stressed up by the vaccine differentiated measures because he was unvaccinated. My family and I decided only to take the killed virus vaccine instead of the mRNA vaccine as not to violate God’s designed order for the cell DNA in my opinion.  But my youngest 17 year old son was not allowed to take the killed virus vaccine for the authorities only approved it for age of 18 and above. The unvaccinated were not allowed to enter any public amenities and could not return to work as well. My 22 year old nephew took the first mRNA vaccine jab and had the side effect of flaring eczema and in order to complete his vaccination since he could not continue with the mRNA vaccine, he was allowed to complete with the killed virus vaccine. Likewise for my son, who has chronic eczema like his cousin, if he takes the mRNA vaccine and gets the same side effect, won’t he be completing his vaccination with the killed virus vaccine as well ? So I appealed to the authorities to allow him to take the killed virus vaccine from the start, but it was rejected. When the differentiated measures were implemented in October 2021 to deny the unvaccinated access to eateries and public amenities, concession could still be given if one test negative for the rapid antigen test. To allow my son to continue to avoid such restriction measures, I was willing to pay for the antigen test. But all such concessions were removed on 1 Jan 2022. Nevertheless, I told him to persevere to trust in the Lord and suddenly concessions were reinstated unexpectedly from February for him in the school but not in the public amenities.  We gave thanks to the Lord for the partial relief nonetheless. Hallelujah !

In early March, he was infected with covid and was exempted from the vaccination for 6 months till August 2022. By then, he would be 18 of age.  With the exemption, he would not be subjected to the vaccine differentiated measures of not being allowed access to eateries or public amenities. Looking back, my youngest son did not suffer the vaccine differentiated measures for the whole time except for one month in Jan 2022. Hallelujah !

(I could not help but to note the irony of the constant official message that the benefits of taking the mRNA vaccine outweighed the risks when the disease was so mild and he was sent home from the polyclinic with just paracetamol and lozenges. On the contrary, the risks of myocarditis and pericarditis for taking the mRNA vaccine grossly outweighed the benefits in my opinion. The risks of myocarditis and pericarditis are included in the advisory of the mRNA vaccine. All the western capitalism states, including Singapore, only approved the mRNA vaccines. By the grace of God, Singapore was the only western capitalism state to deviate to approve also the use of the killed virus vaccine a few months later but continued to discourage by various measures. The killed virus vaccines were not included in the national program, so anyone taking them would have to pay for them in the private clinics. One needed to take 3 primary jabs instead of 2 for the mRNA because the official narrative was that the killed virus vaccine was inferior to the mRNA vaccine. The media also reported that the booster jab had to be a mRNA jab thus discouraging many from contemplating to take the killed virus vaccine.)

I faced the same differentiated measures from February 2022 because I did not want to take the third killed virus vaccine jab. The killed virus vaccine manufacturer only specified two jabs and yet the authorities here insisted on three primary jabs. I thanked the Lord also that I was also exempted from the differentiated measures after getting covid infected at the same time. Later when the authorities opened up the borders to tourists, they recognized two killed virus vaccine jabs as fully vaccinated so they had to align the same for citizens as well or it would be deemed as double standards violating constitutional rights too. Hallelujah !

All thanks and glory to the Lord for His deliverance yet again.

Postscript :

For the record, I am not against vaccination. I am only skeptical about the safety of the experimental vaccine of mRNA and viral vector vaccines but not the proven killed virus vaccines being in use for over a century. As it is a matter of conscience regarding the type of vaccines to vaccinate, we believers should allow each to decide for himself or herself without coercion. More importantly, I believe the mRNA vaccine violates the designed order of our Lord. The immune system is so created to mount defense against viruses by producing antibodies. But right now this experimental vaccine could instruct the cells to make the spiked proteins first (not a natural process) and also expect them to mount a defense against the spiked proteins by producing antibodies, thereby interfering with the natural function of the immune system. Common sense tells us that having natural immunity from actual covid infection should be the best and yet the authorities continue to push for booster jabs. Later studies proved that natural immunity is so much more protective. (

Latest update : 26 Nov 2022

I felt vindicated in hindsight for sticking to common sense and conviction because recent studies done locally proved that the killed virus vaccine was more effective in protecting against severe disease. Even though 92% of the whole population was fully vaccinated with the mRNA vaccine, it did not stop transmission, so the official narrative changed from stopping transmission to protecting against severe disease and hospitalization as the justification for taking the mRNA vaccine. In conclusion, both the functions of preventing transmission and preventing severe diseases for the mRNA vaccine were not effective actually for the later covid variants.