The Infiltration Of Secular Humanism

What is humanism ?   It is defined in as any system or mode of thought or action in which human interests, values, and dignity predominate.

Not to be confused with Christian humanism, secular humanism aims to glorify man as the author of his own and progressive salvation.

Watch the following video and see how far secular humanism has wormed its way into the Christian faith in the postmodern world today and changes her gospel into a veiled humanist gospel which is now widely known as the hyper grace gospel.  The glorification of man is veil-wrapped under God’s amazing grace and agape love.

Over the centuries, the chief aim of Christians is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.  The hyper grace theology has just changed this Westminster Catechism to :

“The chief aim of God is to glorify man and make him happy.”

My friend, Samuel Tai, put it this way : “How the gospel has changed. ‘It is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure’ (Phil 2:3) has now become ‘it is God who is at work for you, both to will and to work for your good pleasure’ (Humanist 6:6)”.

Watch the following video and hear these words from Victoria Osteen,

“..When you obey God, you are NOT doing it for God…When you come to church,  when you worship Him, you are NOT doing it for God really. You are doing it for yourself.  For that is what makes God happy…”


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