Three Attitudes Towards The Law

Dr John Stott, in his exposition on the book of Romans, gave 3 attitudes to the Law.

1. Legalists. They are under the Law and are bound by it. Their relationship to God depends on their obedience to the Law seeking both justification and sanctification by it. Crushed by the inability of the Law to save them, they fear the Law.

2. Antinomians. Blame the law for all their problems so they reject it altogether and claim to be rid of all obligations to the demands of the Law. So they hate the Law and repudiate it.

3. Law-Fulfilling Free Believers. Have this balanced attitude in rejoicing both in their freedom from the law for justification and sanctification, and freedom to fulfill the Law. They delight in the Law as the revelation of God’s will (Rom 7:22), but recognize that the power to fulfill it is not in the Law itself but in the Spirit. So they love the Law and fulfill it.

So what Paul meant when he said believers are no longer under the law, he was saying true believers are free from the law for justification and sanctification. And is now under grace with the power to fulfill it through the Spirit. Rom 6:14; Gal 5:18.

That is,
For Justification, we are not under law but under grace.
For Sanctification, we are not under law but led by the Spirit.

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