The Old Rugged Cross And The New Age Cross

The old cross is a symbol of death.
The new cross is an emblem of wealth and health.

The old cross leads to abundant life.
The new cross leads to epicurean life.

The old cross is where Christ died first and we do the same.
The new cross has only Christ doing all the dying Himself.

The old cross is where we end our self-rule.
The new cross is where we are enthroned and wear the tinsel crown.

The old cross is where we end our friendship with the world.
The new cross is where we reign over all the kingdoms of the world. (Matt 4:8)

The old cross is a message of foolishness in which God is well pleased.
The new cross is a message of power wisdom in which Man is well pleased.

(Both the Hyper Grace Reformation and the New Apostolic Reformation have twisted the message of the old rugged Cross to that of a new age Cross today.)

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